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Printed By


Louise Isted


Louise joined Insurance Day in 2023 from Bermuda:Re+ILS, where she was the editor.


Before entering the re/insurance space, Louise covered the energy sector in senior roles at the World Nuclear Association, Platts (S&P Global) and ICIS. She also worked as an energy markets reporter at Reuters and Argus Media.


She has a Postgraduate Diploma in periodicals journalism from the University of Cardiff and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Russian from Durham University.


At Insurance Day, Louise is responsible for long-form content, including analyses, interviews, op-eds and special reports.


Louise was named the Insurance and Risk Profile Interviewer of the Year at the WTW 2024 Media Awards.

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The rich can learn from the vulnerable about climate risk

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Insurers must put nature on a strategic par with climate

Sustainability experts at UNEP FI’s Global Roundtable debate how to embed nature into underwriting

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Re/insurers and bankers share ideas on sustainable finance

Greater collaboration between insurance and banking sectors required on climate finance, executives say

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Climate and biodiversity experts detail the work needed to transform global financial systems

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Joining the dots of climate finance

It is imperative to have a more collaborative global financial architecture to tackle climate risk

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