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IUA plans review of core services to address changing risk landscape

International Underwriting Association to develop a central risk function to address issues such as sustainability and cyber risk

London Specialty

Arch promotes Hamilton to head of energy and marine liability

Executive will be responsible for combining the insurer's energy and marine teams as part of a restructure of its casualty division

Casualty Arch Capital

Car finance commissions ruling risks potential flood of compensation claims

Pending clarity from the Supreme Court, lenders and brokers should implement clear disclosure practices, while insurers will be keen to understand the steps being taken to mitigate claims risk

United Kingdom Casualty

Geopolitical tensions, cyber threats and climate change dominate 2025 risk outlook

Fractured international geopolitical landscape and its interconnected challenges to drive global risks this year, new reports find

International Allianz

BHSI names Le Gall as head of casualty in France

Commercial insurer hires Scor executive to oversee casualty growth

Europe People moves

Social issues will steer the direction of travel for insurers in 2025

The increasing focus on the social aspect of ESG has implications for insurers ranging from climate change-related litigation and liability for terrorism to neurodiversity in the workforce and beyond

United Kingdom Casualty

Lockton Re hires Ascot's Moruzzi

Reinsurance broker makes senior casualty treaty hires in London

London Broker

Arch Insurance promotes Smith to EU chief

Executive will lead growth plans for continental Europe through network of branch offices

Europe Arch Capital

Aegis launches portfolio solutions division

The new division will focus on follow third-party underwriting at Lloyd’s

London Lloyds

Hartford names Tooker as company president

US giant promotes head of commercial lines to newly created role overseeing all property/casualty business

United States Property

Hartford opens Singapore service company

US group continues to extend Asia reach of its Lloyd’s syndicate 1221

Asia Pacific Singapore

US P&C premium growth to slow, Swiss Re forecasts

Sector's combined ratios will remain just below 100% in coming two years

United States Casualty
See All


