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How risk managers can support climate finance: Ferma

Closer co-operation between public authorities, financial markets and the private sector, as well as between governments across the globe, is needed to foster sustainable prosperity, Ferma’s Hedemark Hancke and Beaupérin argue

Europe Property

Public-private partnerships key to closing the protection gap

International re/insurance markets must increase the uptake of public asset insurance schemes, Centre for Disaster Protection argues

International Climate change

Eiopa proposes changes to SCR natural catastrophe risk calculations

European regulator says model parameters must remain valid in light of recent catastrophes and climate change

Europe Property

Accelerating the claims response to the LA wildfires

Multi-source data strategies have enabled insurers to gain crucial insights in real-time and allocate resources efficiently

North America Climate change

Axa launches climate insurance for farmers in the DRC

The parametric product will protect up to 300,000 farmers from drought and rainfall

Middle East and Africa Congo (Democratic Republic)

Environmental group attacks London insurers’ internet

Activists target fibre optic cables near Lloyd’s and Walkie Talkie building in bid to break insurers’ ties with fossil fuel companies

United Kingdom Climate change

Loss estimates for California wildfires keep climbing

Insured losses will be tens of billions and could breach reinsurance attachment points, analysts say

United States Climate change

Ferma signals ‘decisive moment’ for new EU Council chair

Polish presidency of the EU Council must address economic security, the net-zero transition and cyber resilience, risk managers' federation says

Europe Regulation

Los Angeles wildfire loss estimates quickly balloon

JP Morgan puts insured losses at $20bn, while S&P cites $10bn to $15bn figure - but estimates could increase rapidly

United States Climate change

Munich Re pegs 2024 insured natural catastrophe losses at $140bn

Hurricane Milton was the year's biggest insured loss at $25bn

Europe North America

Trudeau’s fall will not change agenda, Canadian insurers say

Industry lobby groups to pursue all-parties approach to advocacy

Canada Casualty

Climate change drives US insurance crisis, senate committee finds

Budget committee analysis warns market strain could spread to new states

United States Climate change
See All
