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Big Interview



How risk managers can support climate finance: Ferma

Closer co-operation between public authorities, financial markets and the private sector, as well as between governments across the globe, is needed to foster sustainable prosperity, Ferma’s Hedemark Hancke and Beaupérin argue

Europe Property

Claims are the barometer of operational quality: Gard CUO

Bjørnar Andresen, chief underwriting officer of the world’s biggest protection and indemnity club, outlines how to manage the ups and downs of claims frequency

Norway Specialty

FIT launches transition guidance for underwriters

New guidance will enable any company in the real economy to understand how insurers are transitioning their business model, which can in turn support their own transition plan, chair of the UN Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero says

International Climate change

How to equip the modern risk manager

Nina Arquint, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions’ head of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, describes how insurers can meet the evolving needs of risk managers

Europe Middle East and Africa

P&I clubs are well versed in sustainability: The American Club's Hamilton

The American Club’s chief underwriting officer, Tom Hamilton, describes the 2024 protection and indemnity renewal, his market outlook and the path to sustainability

International Specialty

Effective underwriters seek a variety of views: Swiss Re’s McDonald

Swiss Re Corporate Solutions’ chief underwriting officer explains what she expects from the carrier’s underwriters, actuaries and claim handlers

International Big Interview

Customer churn 'threatens growth of cyber market': CFC's Trueman

To expand the size of the market, underwriters and brokers must articulate the full value and cost of cyber insurance, the specialist underwriting business's chief underwriting officer argues

London Lloyds

Cold comfort: treaty envisaged to protect Arctic Ocean biodiversity

Polar explorer and conservationist Pen Hadow explains why marine re/insurers and P&I clubs need to align their advisory services and business strategies, respectively, with the prevention of risks to biodiversity in the Arctic Ocean

Arctic Lloyds

Arctic Council overcomes challenge of suspended collaboration with Russia

Norway’s chairship of the Arctic Council navigates geopolitics to address environmental issues

Arctic Geopolitics

Loss adjusters must be proactive in addressing the insurance sector's challenges

The critical role performed by loss adjusters during the pandemic and their unique ability to provide solutions to the challenges faced by insurers must not be overlooked, the president of Cila says, as institute publishes first manifesto 

United Kingdom Claims Management

Insurers and investors are natural allies in climate risk finance

Zurich Insurance’s Michel Liès and Saoirse Jones outline why World Bank clients are paying closer attention to insurers

International Climate change

Tokio Marine targets emerging economies in pursuit of long-term expansion

Japanese insurer’s co-head of international business describes the cyclical nature of evolution and where the next avenues for growth lie

Big Interview Japan
See All
