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Legal Focus



New drug brings new risks for insurers

As litigation relating to weight loss drugs grows in the US, manufacturers are becoming increasingly subject to claims of personal injury and allegations that they knowingly failed to warn consumers of side effects

United States Legal focus

All change ahead as new marine rules come into force

Marine insurers and their clients face a swathe of regulatory changes in 2025 which could have significant implications for international trade

International Legal focus

The growing trend for omnibus claim forms

Considerable care is required when determining the most appropriate group litigation process to adopt

United Kingdom Legal focus

Austria's new law on class actions will have far-reaching implications

New law creates risk of mass litigation in an environment where customers have increasingly been turning to the courts

Europe Austria

The EU’s overhaul of product liability will affect UK insurers

The EU’s Product Liability Directive amounts to the most radical reform of the law governing product liability for more than 40 years

Europe United Kingdom

Brazil’s impending legal changes are to dramatically change the landscape for reinsurers

Brazil’s Insurance Bill brings significant changes to re/insurance law, but increased collaboration between insurers, reinsurers and loss adjusters will assist the transition process

Legal focus Brazil

Discount rate change is good news for the insurance industry

Insurers will need to consider carefully the impact of the higher personal injury discount rate on settlement strategies and premium pricing 

United Kingdom Legal focus

The evolution of lithium-ion battery regulations will impact the insurance sector

Insurers should take a proactive approach to policy adaptation and risk assessment 

United Kingdom Casualty

Insurers warned of increasing health and safety costs

UK’s Health and Safety Executive is showing increased willingness to take action for health and safety offences even where no damage or injury has occurred

United Kingdom Casualty

Legal London has a bright future post-Covid 19

London’s lawyers look set to remain relevant to the insurance market for the foreseeable future, and in ways not seen before the pandemic for very many years

London Legal focus

Charterparty considerations of wind-assisted propulsion

As wind-assisted propulsion is gaining traction as a means to decarbonise, various contractual issues should be addressed to avoid potential disputes between shipowners and charterers

International Specialty

New failure to prevent fraud offence will impact D&O insurers

Insurers should consider the scope of D&O cover provided ahead of the UK’s Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act coming into force

United Kingdom Legal focus
See All
