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Chubb tallies $1.5bn wildfire hit as major insurers begin disclosing estimates

RenaissanceRe expects a $750m net loss from the wildfires based on a pessimistic industry loss forecast

United States Property

Results round-up: Chubb and RenRe

Latest results from across the market

North America Casualty

Everest CEO pledges ‘aggressive action’ on US casualty after $1.7bn reserve charge

Williamson brands US casualty insurance performance ‘unacceptable’ as carrier undertakes account-by-account remediation programme

Bermuda Casualty

Everest discloses $1.7bn reserve strengthening

Bermuda-based carrier ‘fortifies’ US casualty reserves following actuarial review

Bermuda Casualty

California fires to generate minimal catastrophe bond losses: Fitch

Fires will result in partial loss of principal for certain catastrophe bonds but aggregate losses not expected to cause a curtailment of issuances

United States InsuranceLinked Securities

European reinsurers ‘face 30% hit to catastrophe budgets’ from LA wildfires

A $35bn insured loss from the wildfires in Los Angeles would eat up nearly one-third of the annual budgets of Munich Re, Swiss Re, Hannover Re and Scor, analysts warn

United States Property

Fidelis syndicate confirms International Group private placement

International Group inks first private placement in Lloyd’s market for its mammoth reinsurance programme through newly established Fidelis syndicate

London Lloyds

Everest names Williamson as permanent CEO

Bermuda-based group confirms Jim Williamson as successor to Juan Andrade

Bermuda Everest Re

Fema secures $757.8m of traditional reinsurance for NFIP

Flood insurance programme’s traditional reinsurance placement increases 22% year-on-year

United States Reinsurance

Mercury weighs event designation of LA wildfires

Home and motor insurer is considering whether to treat the Eaton and Palisades fires as separate events under its catastrophe reinsurance treaty

United States Reinsurance

ID Podcast: Public-private partnerships a solution to frequency perils: Aon's Van Slooten

The reinsurance market is not large enough to handle growing flood, fire and convective storm losses, Mike Van Slooten tells the Insurance Day Podcast, as he discusses the implications of the January 1 renewals

Reinsurance Property
See All
