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In-depth opinion and analysis from the industry’s thought leaders.


Accelerating the claims response to the LA wildfires

Multi-source data strategies have enabled insurers to gain crucial insights in real-time and allocate resources efficiently

North America Climate change

Balancing profitability and sustainability in business interruption claims

There is tension between what is profitable and what is sustainable when it comes to business interruption claims – but there are steps the insurance industry can take

United Kingdom Property

The insurance industry can support solar adoption by better managing fire risks

Building broader knowledge of rooftop solar PV system risks can reduce fire incidents and property damage, thus enhancing insurance support for the technology

United Kingdom Property

Managing product recall risk in complex global supply chains

The interconnected nature of today’s global supply chains has added additional layers of complexity to recall management

International Viewpoint

Brazil floods are a reminder of the El Niño-climate change compound effect

Unprecedented rainfall – now twice as likely because of global warming – led to devastating flooding across the state of Rio Grande do Sul

Brazil Climate change

Crossing the shifting sands of regulation

The regulatory environment is constantly evolving and insurers must adapt quickly to an array of emerging risks

Regulation Viewpoint

Asia is poised to be the next ILS growth hub

The region’s vast and fragmented market holds unparalleled diversification potential

Asia Pacific Viewpoint

Ensuring compliance with the Digital Operational Resilience Act

With just two months to go until Dora comes into effect, financial institutions must implement robust security protocols

Europe Viewpoint

Establishing a ‘Climate Re’ might be the best solution to insurance’s climate challenge

Such a vehicle could sustain the insurance industry’s viability in the areas most at risk of climate change, but it is not without its difficulties

International Property

Mastering middle market is the key to cyber success

By focusing on robust data management and digital infrastructure, insurers can give middle-market companies the protection they need

United Kingdom Cyber

Worker shortages are exacerbating employee and D&O risk

The pandemic heralded a long shortage in skilled workers, which threatens a significant increase in directors’ and officer’ liability and professional indemnity exposures for employers

United Kingdom Casualty

Pioneering risk management in a digital world

Where cashflow can make or break a business, parametric insurance delivers unparalleled speed

International Cyber
See All
