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Special Reports

Insurance Day special reports take a deep dive into the issues that matter. With in-depth reporting from our team of experts and insight from insurance thought leaders from across the globe, we investigate the opportunities and threats driving decisions in the re/insurance industry today.


Marine risk

With geopolitical tensions ever more fraught and the impacts of climate change ever more apparent, marine re/insurers are focused on a collaborative approach to risk.

Emerging risks

‘Emerging risks’ sounds ominous to any sector except re/insurance. With a mindset geared to opportunity and a willingness to draw on external expertise, re/insurers have a unique attitude to the as yet unknown variables of new technologies, trends and events.

Climate adaptation and resilience

With 2023 the hottest year since global records began, the debate about climate change is no longer how to reverse global warming, but rather how to adapt to this new reality.

Market modernisation

This report examines the potential of digitalisation, automation, blockchain and artificial intelligence to enhance and ultimately change the world of underwriting.

Marine risk

This special report from Insurance Day examines the broader concerns of the marine insurance and reinsurance markets.

Cyber risk

Cyber is one of the fastest-growing markets, predicted to reach $22.5bn by 2025.

Climate risk

The UN held its first climate talks as long ago as 1990, yet the participation of insurers in helping to tackle what is now described as a climate crisis is starkly recent.

