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Marine Insurance

Marine insurance is experiencing a period of rapid change, with a prolonged struggle to deliver underwriting profit forcing companies to reevaluate their proposition and the need to modernise. The class of business on which Lloyd’s was founded, the marine market is now navigating through a transitional period as it embraces technological reform and looks to rebuild its profit margin against a challenging operational backdrop.


War on shipping routes is more than a marine insurance issue: Denèfle

Risk managers should be alert to the impact of war on seaborne transit, International Union of Marine Insurance president argues

International Risk Management

Legal risks and green opportunities in ship recycling

Changing regulations may produce opportunities for marine insurers

International Legal focus

Steamship Mutual kicks off renewal round with firm rate hike

P&I clubs are due to unveil pricing plans in the next few weeks, with early indications that rates will rise

International Specialty

Hull renewal season looking good for shipowners

Glut of new managing general agencies ready to undercut incumbents, market sources report

International Renewals

Shipping’s ageing fleet and mounting crew crisis heighten systemic risks for insurers

Maritime industry continues to push the global fleet to its limit, playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette with crew, oceans, cargo – and insurers’ portfolios

International Marine

H&M premiums fairly priced at present: Miller’s Townsend

Marine insurance veteran rejects rival broker’s claim hull and machinery underwriters have it ‘too good’ right now

International Specialty

Continental marine brokers overcoming Brexit disruption: Alta Signa

Loss of Bayesian will have market effect beyond super-yacht niche, Francesco Dubbioso, MGA's head of technical underwriting, marine, says

Brexit Europe

QBE set to launch US inland marine offering

Insurer expands specialty offering with hire of team from AIG

North America United States

Black Sea war risk rates heading north following Russian attacks

Insurers fear there might be a deliberate shift toward targeting merchant vessels

Russian Federation Ukraine

Hull underwriting profits are ‘too good’ right now: Marsh's Nevill

Brokers still play vital role despite rise of disintermediation, broking giant’s chief executive of UK marine and cargo insists

International Marsh

P&I club net income per gross tonne hitting all-time highs: Marsh

Run of rate increases in recent years ‘overdone’, according to biggest marine broker

International Specialty

Gard holds on to top slot in P&I club market share ranking

Norwegian marine mutual remains the largest protection and indemnity club, despite NorthStandard merger, analysis by Tysers finds

International Marine
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