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Printed By


David Osler

Insurance Editor


David specialises in the white collar shipping services scene, including law firms, banks, insurers, and trade associations, and also turns his hand to piracy, sanctions and industrial relations stories as necessary.

A London-born British and Swiss dual national, he was educated at the London School of Economics and Birkbeck College, and has academic qualification in politics, sociology, economics and international relations.

Three times voted Seahorse Club shipping news journalist of the year, he has also twice been longlisted for the Orwell Prize, Britain’s premier non-fiction literary award, and twice shortlisted as Periodical Publishers’ Association business journalist of the year, the highest honour in trade press journalism.

He has worked for Lloyd’s List since 1996, making him the longest-serving member of staff, although he doesn’t like to mention that more than three or four times a week at most. Unless it’s strictly necessary.

He has also written for many other newspapers and magazines, including The Guardian, Observer, Independent, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express and New Statesman, and has appeared on all of Britain’s main television and radio news programmes.

He is a member of the Labour Party, Amnesty International and National Council for Civil Liberties, and supports the charitable work of the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture and the Trussell Trust network of foodbanks.

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