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Faye Lageu

Latest From Faye Lageu

Creating a balanced regulatory environment for mutuals

The mutual insurance business model is misunderstood by regulators in both mature and emerging insurance markets


The rules of CSR are changing

The insurance industry is uniquely positioned in a CSR landscape that is fast transforming

People moves Losses

LatAm mutuals show rapid growth

Argentina shows the way but Brazil remains in need of legal change to enable co-operatives to launch and flourish

InsuranceLinked Securities Brazil

Setting the agenda in the fight against climate change

The mutual insurance sector is well positioned to make a crucial contribution to efforts to develop a more resilient framework against natural catastrophe risks

Property Losses

Mutuals and the global regulatory environment

New global rules and regulations present challenges for the mutual insurance business model, but companies should not ignore the opportunities that come with them

InsuranceLinked Securities

In it together: the mutual approach to claims management

Putting members at the centre of the claims process will ultimately enhance business performance

Lloyds Casualty
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