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Printed By


Richard Meade



Richard Meade is the Editor-in-Chief of Lloyd’s List.

He is an award-winning journalist and has been writing and talking about all aspects of the maritime industry and global trade for the past twenty years.

As Editor he is responsible for navigating The List’s subscribers through the volatile politics, policy, deals and market movements that make up nearly 90% of global trade.

He is also the host of the popular Lloyd’s List Shipping Podcast and a regular industry speaker and media commentator on all things shipping.

He joined Lloyd’s List in 2006 as News Editor after jumping ship from the weekly maritime magazine Fairplay and prior to that started his career at the Financial Times.

Latest From Richard Meade

Box sector nervously eyes more volatility to come

Freight rates slipping in what should be peak season will be ringing alarm bells for the lines, but the current market glitch is not yet about demand, it’s about supply

Containers Political Risk and Trade

What does Ursula von der Leyen’s re-election mean for shipping?

European shipping, and shipping in general, should benefit from a strong EU policy focused on growth and securing competitiveness. But the delicate political coalition of forces Ursula von der Leyen secured to deliver her second five-year term are going to face headwinds and her promise to deliver comes with big caveats and even bigger question marks over the funding gap

Sustainability EU

Drone strikes spark armed security rethink

Two separate cases of armed security on board ships, both targeted by uncrewed surface vessels, have highlighted the inconsistent approach to use of force and sparked calls for a comprehensive review of private security protocols

Red Sea Risk Piracy and Security

Yemen port disruption unclear as attacks escalate

Despite claims that Hodeidah port was not affected by an Israeli air strike on Saturday, which saw a power station and fuel storage site go up in flames, no vessels have entered or exited the port since

Containers Ports and Logistics

Flag states are slowly getting better at investigating casualties

IMO member states are still routinely failing to publish casualty investigations designed to improve safety standards and prevent accidents. However, there has been a 12% improvement in reports materialising over the past four years and a 5% uptick in the basic quality of those that do get published

Safety Casualty

Faked emissions data has undermined industry confidence, Japan admits

The Japanese government is now having to look at more than 5,500 ships known to be equipped with engines delivered with falsified data. But with the entire Japanese engine manufacturing sector now under investigation, that number could grow significantly

Regulation Shipbuilding
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