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Marine risk

With geopolitical tensions ever more fraught and the impacts of climate change ever more apparent,
marine re/insurers are focused on a collaborative approach to risk.

Marine risk

War on shipping routes is more than a marine insurance issue: Denèfle

Risk managers should be alert to the impact of war on seaborne transit, International Union of Marine Insurance president argues

International Risk Management Marine

Managing geopolitical risk in unprecedented times

From conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East to emerging threats from China and the US, few underwriters have faced a geopolitical landscape as dynamic as it is now

International Special Report Marine

Underwriting profits surge for top Lloyd’s MAT writers

Munich Re, QBE and Beazley outperform in Lloyd’s marine and aviation business

London Lloyds Marine

The continued rise of marine MGAs

Marine managing general agents are entering markets where traditional carriers sometimes fear to tread

International Marine Special Report

P&I clubs are well versed in sustainability: The American Club's Hamilton

The American Club’s chief underwriting officer, Tom Hamilton, describes the 2024 protection and indemnity renewal, his market outlook and the path to sustainability

International Specialty Marine

Insuring the maritime sector’s voyage to net zero

Insurers have a crucial role to play in directing shipowners away from fossil fuels

International Marine Fuels

Maritime incident under-reporting is a recurring issue

The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee has recently adopted new reporting requirements for containers lost at sea, which are due to take effect in January 2026

Marine International Specialty

Ports and terminals face climate and infrastructure challenges

Re/insurers are an important piece of the solution to protecting global trading routes

International Marine Special Report

Shipping’s ageing fleet and mounting crew crisis heighten systemic risks for insurers

Maritime industry continues to push the global fleet to its limit, playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette with crew, oceans, cargo – and insurers’ portfolios

International Marine ID Comment
Read full report

Claims are the barometer of operational quality: Gard CUO

Bjørnar Andresen, chief underwriting officer of the world’s biggest protection and indemnity club, outlines how to manage the ups and downs of claims frequency

Norway Specialty Marine

Cargo rates softening on back of new capacity

Red Sea disruption, Asian port congestion, US strikes, Glencore switch to captive and extreme weather events top list of concerns

Marine London Lloyds

Sompo eyes marine growth in Europe

Japanese-owned carrier’s head of marine and specialty insurance for continental Europe describes how long-term commitment is key to client confidence

Europe Sompo International Specialty

Inland waterways are vulnerable to climate change

Research by Marsh details how low and high water levels each exacerbate the challenge of navigating inland routes

International Climate change Special Report

Taking a proactive approach to super-yacht casualties

Insurers are increasingly focusing on working with the super-yacht industry to reduce the number of vessel casualties

International Specialty Marine

Prevention is better than cure: How technology is reshaping approaches to risk

Gone are the days of relying solely on historical data and human judgment; today’s risk assessment demands real-time analysis of complex, interconnected factors to stop losses before they occur, experts say

Marine Risk Management Insurtech
