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Market Modernisation

A technological transformation is under way to equip a centuries-old industry for the digital age. This report examines the potential of digitalisation, automation, blockchain and artificial intelligence to enhance and ultimately change the world of underwriting.


Crunch time for London market firms as Blueprint Two cutover approaches

With less than five months to go before phase one of the Blueprint Two project to create a new digital, data-first market goes live, there is significant work for the London market to do

London Lloyds Market Modernisation

Whitespace ready to roll out ‘headless’ integration: Broome

Electronic trading platform Whitespace’s chief platform officer describes how the re/insurance market is moving away from traditional documents to working entirely with data

Brokers Market Modernisation Special Report

How prospective syndicates help Lloyd’s think outside the box

Asta and Greenlight Re describe the widening appeal of the syndicate-in-a-box mechanism

Asta Europe London

Carbon Underwriting’s platform ‘democratises’ insurance data

Chief technology officer at Lloyd’s first syndicate-in-a-box explains why Carbon Underwriting created its own underwriting platform

London Market Modernisation Special Report

ID Comment: Artificial intelligence for re/insurance should be made to fail the Turing test

A human in the loop should be a permanent feature of a re/insurer’s AI strategy

ID Comment Market Modernisation Technology

Insurers grapple with blockchain challenge

There has been no great demand for blockchain-based products in insurance because, unlike banks, insurers do not face the same pressures for speedier or cheaper payments, and do not issue as many asset-backed securities

International Mapfre Hannover Re

Legal Focus: Smart medical devices and digital health apps have implications for insurers

The development of wearables and AI-enabled devices can improve patient outcomes but create new risks for healthcare professionals and device manufacturers

Specialty Legal focus
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Viewpoint: Blueprint Two is a significant potential risk event

Blueprint Two is one of the larger programmes most of us will have experienced in our careers and brings the promise of many benefits in terms of improved data quality, reduced costs and increased resilience

London Lloyds Market Modernisation

Ebix Europe gears up to increase competition in electronic placement

London market technology specialist completed seven years as architect and provider of the original London market electronic placement platform at the end of 2023

Market Modernisation London Special Report

Viewpoint: Balancing the opportunities and risks of generative AI

This year the focus on generative AI will only intensify – so it is time for a balanced view on the opportunities and risks we face when it comes to using this powerful technology

Swiss Re Market Modernisation Technology

Underwriters plot route to automation

Algorithmic underwriting is a matter of ‘when, not if’, but insurers are taking a variety of approaches to the technology

London Lloyds Market Modernisation
